Uniquely Positioned

Everyday practical business experience fully informs our services and how we deliver them to the client.

Storytelling & Speaking

Speccio Leadership Group provides keynote addresses as well as storytelling professionals on specific topics to organizations interested in introducing different perspectives to the workforce at all levels. These experiences are based in deeply steeped real-life and dynamic business environments in the Silicon Valley.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion – DEI Concept – A Unique Delivery Method

A day and a half course including DEI concepts, one-on-one discussion, and practically applied methodologies for creating an inclusive work environment that is unique and highly productive.  This offering can be tailored to the organization’s timeframe and needs.

Management & Executive Coaching

Included as part of the day and half course in DEI, one-on-one confidential leadership coaching aligned with the individual’s goals for the future is also offered separately to organizations and individuals seeking this kind of support.


A half day course is offered either separately or as part of another offering, tailored to the company’s or agency’s code of ethics, operating norms, or code of conduct.

City of Long Beach 2023 Managers' Retreat

One can see clearly when leading is transparent.

Contact Info

Palo Alto, CA 94306

United States


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